

RoadTrip is vacation Nirvana: it allows connected users to select what they want to watch at the pace they want to watch it.

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RoadTrip is vacation Nirvana. Imagine if on your next vacation, the kids weren’t bored, didn’t fight about what to watch, and they never asked “Are we there yet?” RoadTrip can do all of that for you.

RoadTrip is a portable media server that you load with movies then take it with you on your next vacation. When plugged in, RoadTrip broadcasts a WiFi signal that any WiFi enabled device can connect to. Once connected, users use the device to browse the content saved on RoadTrip. Each person/device can select what they want to watch at the pace they want to watch it.

Load your RoadTrip with movies, put a device in your kids’ hands and experience vacation nirvana as you drive/ride in silent bliss.

RoadTrip comes in 3 storage sizes:

  • 32GB Stores 20-30 of your favorite movies in DVD format.
  • 64GB Stores 50-60 of your favorite movies in DVD format.
  • 128GB Stores 100-110 of your favorite movies in DVD format.

Also available for purchase on Amazon: RoadTrip Portable Media Server

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

32GB, 64GB, 128GB


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